Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pet Peeve: 'Pedestrians - Part 1 - Look Both Ways Before You Cross!

What I think is funny - stupid people that do NOT bother to look either way before crossing the street. I'm sorry, but I grew up being taught (and I'm still pretty sure it's being taught in schools) to look BOTH ways BEFORE crossing the street... cause one of these days, someone is going to get hit by a car... and I'll be the one driving that car.

But some people assume that cars will yield, but let's say if I'm going 30 mph and I look down at the time on my radio and look back up, in that split second, anything could happen. And some pedestrians are too busy in their own little walking world, listening to their ipods or on a cell phone... well, what if I was on a cell phone driving, well then... I know I got MY seatbelt on. I also have a airbag to protect me.

Pedestrians wrapped up in winter clothes couldn't protect themselves from MY car.

So, conclusion... LOOK before you cross the streets even if it doesn't seem busy. Because if you don't, it's going to be Jay = 1, pedestrian = 0.

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